Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tentang SETAN ..: 10 Setan yang Bertanggung Jawab Atas Segala Sifat Buruk Manusia

Artikel berita ini tentang topik : setan, iblis, lucifer, manusia, nafsu, sifat buruk

Selama Abad Pertengahan, ada banyak legenda setan di mana-mana. Mahluk-mahluk yang tidak jelas adanya, banyak disalahkan untuk segala sesuatu, dari suara serak sampai perbuatan telanjang di muka umum.

Ahli tentang iblis Abad Pertengahan menulis ensiklopedi keseluruhan, termasuk, The Lesser Key of Solomon, Compendium Maleficarum, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, didedikasikan untuk klasifikasi setan dan kontribusi mereka peda perangai buruk dari manusia.

Sebagai orang yang telah menyimpang dari kepercayaan kekuatan-kekuatan jahat, kita telah mengakui tanggung jawab atas perilaku buruk kita adalah diri kita sendiri. tapi Berikut adalah daftar 10 setan yang bertanggung jawab untuk berbagai penyakit hati dan perilaku buruk manusia, menurut legenda takhayul kuno.


Setan yang menyesatkan Pengembara ...

Jika Kamu berlibur dan memiliki kesulitan menemukan hotel, mobil, peta, obat , atau sisa keluargamu, Kamu mungkin telah bertemu dengan Ardad, iblis yang menyesatkan pengembara. Ardad bukan setan yang kuat, karena pekerjaannya tergolong pekerjaan ringan di kalangan setan-setan.


Gempa bumi, Perkataan Buruk, dan Menghancurkan Martabat

Agares adalah Bangsawan Terhormat di neraka dan memimpin lebih dari 31 legiun setan. Dia sangat menikmati menghancurkan martabat, mengajar bahasa kotor, dan membuat mereka yang melakukannya enjoy juga. Agares juga bisa menyebabkan gempa bumi, yang mengherankan adalah dengan kekuaatan sebesar itu mengapa dia masih sempat-sempatnya mengajar bahasa kotor? bukankah itu pekerjaan Setan Guru?


Kesombongan, Kemalasan, dan Rasionalisasi

Setan Astaroth memprovokasi kemalasan, kesombongan dan rasionalisasi. Dia juga berkuasa pada semua ular. Obat terbaik untuk infeksi Astaroth adalah minta bantuan pada musuhnya St Bartolomeus, yang akan mengajarkan bagaimana untuk tidak menyerah pada godaan Astaroth .


Penyakit jiwa

Ose adalah presiden dari Neraka dan membawahi 30 legiun setan. Jika Kamu dalam pengaruhnya, Kamu pasti tidak akan menyadari hal tersebut karena saat itu anda sudah dalam kondisi gila.


Membuat orang menelanjangi dirinya sendiri

Sitri membuat pria dan wanita menelanjangi diri mereka sendiri, dan mengejek dengan mengungkapkan rahasia yang paling pribadi dari masing-masing individu. Bagi mereka yang sering membuat olok-olok publik tentang dirinya sendiri saat mabuk atau setiap gadis yang tetap tegap berjalan dengan pedenya setelah melakukan hal-hal yang berbau mesum dan memalukan (sekandal video porno misalnya) mereka divonis telah menjadi pendukung Sitri.

Mungkin terdengar seperti kabar menyenangkan untuk mengetahui Anda memiliki seseorang untuk disalahkan selain hidup yang memprihatinkan yang Kamu pilih sendiri.

Dalam Lesser Key of Solomon, Sitri adalah seorang pangeran besar dari Neraka, memerintah lebih dari 60 legiun setan. Cara untuk menangkal Sitri adalah meninggalkan rumah dengan memakai baju berlapis banyak dan absen dari alkohol.


Perselisihan, Pertengkaran, dan Kebohongan

Pruflas, seperti yang diceritakan oleh demonologi dari Johann Weyer di Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, adalah Bangsawan dari neraka dengan 26 legiun setan di bawah pemerintahannya. Dia mempromosikan perselisihan, pertengkaran, dan penghianatan. Alangkah mudahnya mengatakan perselingkuhan dan kebohongan tidak bisa disalahkan pada salah satu pihak, itu hanya kesalahan setan Pruflas saja.



Beezelbub adalah iblis yang membawa masalah besar. Bahkan, ia adalah salah satu dari tiga yang paling menonjol yang kuat dan berkuasa dari malaikat yang jatuh, di samping Leviathan dan menampakkan diri selama pengadilan penyihir Salem. Dia menyebabkan banyak prasangka dan kecemburuan dalam sebuah pertandingan sehingga bisa menyebabkan pembunuhan.


Setan dari gairah Nafsu

Asmodeus diklaim juga bertanggung jawab pada seks bebas, bahkan dia akan sangat bangga jika korbannya mempunyai dan menyukai kelainan seks yang baru. Kencangkan celana Kamu, karena bagi mereka yang jatuh pada godaan Asmodeus menghabiskan kekekalan dibuang ke neraka tingkat kedua. Dia adalah Raja dari neraka dan bertanggung jawab atas Nafsu dari tujuh dosa mematikan, kekuasaannya terkuat di bulan November.

Dia dapat dengan mudah diusir oleh bau yang dihasilkan dari abu hati ikan yang dibakar, sebagaimana dibuktikan dalam Kitab Tobit.



Verrine, bertanggung jawab untuk orang-orang yang tidak sabar dan lekas naik pitam. Verrine adalah pangeran setan dan terdaftar dalam hierarki pertama dari setan seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Sebastien Michaelis dalam Admirable History, dengan klasifikasi setan yang setara dengan berith, setan eksorsisme pada biarawati.

Berdoa ke St Dominikus dapat membantu Anda menyingkirkan Iblis ini, tentu saja itu mungkin akan membantu jika setiap orang di sekitar Anda tidak idiot.


Biang Kerok Semua Kejahatan

Dari semua tujuh dosa mematikan , Lucifer adalah penanggung jawab utama atas yang menimpa manusia. Dosa ini berasal dari kesombongan Lucifer sendiri yang mengakibatkan kejatuhannya dari surga. Lucifer mencintai dirinya sendiri (sombong) di atas apapun, dan tanpa ketidaktahuan sebagai alasan. Peringkat tertinggi dari malaikat, dengan tempat duduknya di Surga di samping "Tuhan", Tuhan mengijinkan dia berkuasa atas bumi. namun ketika "Tuhan" meninggalkan singgasananya, Lucifer memberi mahkota pada dirinya sendiri dalam tahta surgawi.

Kesombongan Lucifer menyulut perang di antara malaikat, tapi akhirnya Michael berhasil mengusir Lucifer dari surga lalu dia dilemparkan ke bumi dan mendapat julukan Setan Pertama.

Para malaikat yang mengikutinya di musim gugur menjadi setan juga dan saat ini menyebabkan semua penderitaan pada hati manusia, dengan Lucifer sebagai Raja yang memerintah.

Mere plebeian tidak khawatir terlalu banyak pada Lucifer yang terus kuat di Bumi, karena tokoh dunia yang menjadi korbannya jauh lebih menonjol dan terkenal daripada si dalang (lucifer). Dia diklaim terlibat dalam sejarah kekaisaran tirani di Roma, dan bahkan dalam kebangkitan pemimpin dunia yang arogan di jaman modern.

Sumber artikel :


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Saturday, October 22, 2011

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This article about : Download free antivirus, SMADAV antivirus, Indonesian the best, most popular and safe antivirus on 2011 ....

To All worker / professional people, computer viruses are more dangerous and sometimes they must re-install the operating system to clean up local viruses. It’s very sucks. There are so many anti viruses that claimed “best antivirus” and specifically designed to remove specific virus. Smadav is one of Indonesian anti viruses free to download , it’s new, powerful, and designed for local viruses.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Earn more, work less: 8 great jobs that escape the rat race

Sadie Nardini

This topic keywords about :earn money,great jobs,work,less,rat race,yoga teacher

Yoga teacher and self-titled “Life Stylist” Sadie Nardini advises her clients, “Think huge—small and medium have a lot of competition.” That’s just what she did when she went from being a broke, harried studio yoga teacher to harnessing technology, streamlining her workload, and earning in a day what she used to make in a week. In 2010, she put in the hours she wanted and netted close to $300,000.

Nardini got her start as a yoga teacher moonlighting after her day job in cubicle land. Eventually, she got fed up with laboring long days for little money doing office work and decided to teach full time. Soon enough, she was teaching 25 classes a week and feeling just as burnt out as before. “I love the scene in ‘Finding Nemo’ where he swims into the current with the sea turtles and speeds effortlessly toward his goal,” she says. “I asked myself, ‘How can I be more passive and less active income-wise?’”

Nardini posted free online videos to gain a wider audience. Now she has 25,000 subscribers on YouTube and 40,000 Facebook followers. She started selling DVDs and teaching at large conferences instead of small classes. She branched out into wellness counseling and life coaching. On a practical level, she set up automatic responses on her website and outsourced all of her administrative work.

Nardini says that fear gets in the way of people actually doing something instead of just talking about it. “People often have skills that they doubt anyone will care about. I advised a friend who loved making bracelets to sell them on Etsy. A magazine featured her work and within a month she had earned more money from her bracelets than she had made in a year working an office job.”

Here are seven more jobs that offer flexibility, fun, and a good wage:

Massage Therapist

According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), the majority of massage therapists work under 27 hours a week. Massage therapist Jenny Adams, who has practiced in Pennsylvania for 20 years, describes the benefits of her career: “I get to wear comfy clothes, set my own hours, and work with wonderful people. Most days I see three to four clients which leaves me plenty of time for other things.”
Gyms, doctor’s offices, sports teams, and spas all employ massage therapists. Some massage therapists are self-employed and travel to people’s homes.

Background requirements:

300 to 1000 in-class hours (varies state to state). See the AMTA website for info.
National certification exam for therapeutic massage and bodywork.
Some states require additional certification.

Earning potential: $60 to $100 per hour


Technical Writer

Are you the only one of your friends who actually reads the manual before powering up a new electronic device? If you are a clear communicator with a good head for technology, you might want to consider a pursuing a career in technical writing—according to the Bureau of Labor Statics, the field is expected to grow by 18 percent between now and 2018.
Technical writers translate technical information supplied by experts into easily understandable language for everyday consumers. They usually work for computer systems and software companies, but could also be employed by engineering or architectural firms or in the medical industry. Many are freelance.

Background requirements:

Most Technical writers hold a Bachelor’s degree in English, Communications, or Journalism.
Being comfortable working with computer systems is a must and desktop publishing and multimedia software experience is also helpful.

Earning potential: $40 to $75 per hour


Make-up artist

Being a make-up artist involves more than just helping people look pretty. Some create detailed prosthetics for film and television. Top fashion and celebrity make-up artists such as Bobbie Brown have created their own multi-million dollar cosmetics lines.
Background requirements:

There are no specific requirements for becoming a make-up artist, but you can take courses at a school such as Make-up Designory (MUD), which has campuses in Los Angeles and New York City.
Some budding make-up artists get their start by working at a department store cosmetics counter or volunteering to do make-up for local theater productions.

Earning potential: Entry level make-up artists earn about $15 per hour, but a Hollywood makeup artist who works on successful films can earn a upwards of a million dollars a year.

Internet Tutor

Internet tutoring covers every imaginable topic and student group: online teachers might help young kids manage homework, do SAT prep with teens, or coach pre-meds in organic chemistry depending on their expertise. One of the larger and more reputable online tutoring companies is This is a great job for teachers, teachers-in-training, or graduate students interested in earning extra cash or creating a freelance career.
Background requirements:

A degree in teaching or another advanced degree is a big plus.

Earning potential: $15 to $100 per hour depending on educational background.

Social Media Consultant

This business is still the “Wild West” of the publicity world, and one that you can break into with little formal training--if you have the know-how and ambition. Helping companies market themselves using social media tools is an exploding field. Today, most companies and organizations, large and small, need to promote themselves on the Internet and many are hiring savvy media professionals to help them do so.
Most freelance social media consultants start by building their own presence on the web through blogging, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media tools. You can also offer to publicize a small business or other enterprise for free to gain experience.

Background requirements:

A Bachelor’s degree in Marketing or Communications can be helpful but not a necessity since the field is changing rapidly.

Earning potential: $20 to $300+ per hour depending on experience and success rate.

Private chef

Private chefs work in client’s homes or deliver meals to them. Some specialize in a particular cuisine or cook for people with special nutritional needs.
Restaurant chef Kate Duncan had a promising career cooking at a hip bistro in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, but, as she puts it, “no life.” The hours were brutal--she often fell into bed after 2 am and barely made ends meet financially. When a friend suggested she apply for a job cooking for an affluent family who likes to entertain, she jumped at the chance. She now makes more money working 30 hours a week than she used to in 65, enjoys a social life, gets to the gym every day, and generally finds the change “amazingly positive.”

Background requirements:

Cooking in a restaurant offers great experience, but some private chefs get a job straight out of a one- or two-year culinary school program.
Gaining experience in the catering business is another path.

Earning potential: $25 to $50+ per hour


Personal trainer

Personal trainers work one-on-one with clients at a gym or home to evaluate and improve their fitness. The Bureau of Labor Statistics points out that the aging Baby Boomer generation is driving up the demand for fitness workers and the field is projected to grow by about 29% over the next decade.
Background requirements:

Trainers need to be certified. The National Academy of Sports Medicine and the American College of Sports Medicine both offer a wealth of information on certification and careers in the fitness industry.
Additional training in yoga or Pilates can enhance one’s career opportunities.

Earning potential: $30 to $100 per hour

source :





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Saturday, October 1, 2011

E Book : " How to Become a Technical Writer: You CAN Earn a Great Living as a Writer NOW! by Susan Bilheimer'

How to Become a Technical Writer: You CAN Earn a Great Living as a Writer NOW!
by Susan Bilheimer

This topic about :How to Become a Technical Writer:, become writer, want to be, earn money,

PRICE : ONLY US$ 6 / 1 E BOOK !!.... This E book contains 102 page !!

About the E Book

If you are creative, with an orderly mind, and can write clear, concise instructions, then you can be a technical writer - it's as simple as that! This book will show you, step by step, how to turn your talents into a rewarding and highly lucrative writing career!

This inspiring and invaluable guidebook will give you the confidence and information you need to plunge into one of the hottest fields in an industry that is only getting hotter!

If you can write clear, concise instructions (like a to-do list!), then you owe it to yourself to consider a career as a technical writer! Just a few years ago, as a freelance writer, I barely earned enough to fill my gas tank. Today, I write what I want while earning a LOT of money as a Technical Writer...and you can too!

From the Introduction:

--Are you a creative and talented writer who just can't seem to make a living [yet!] purely from writing?

--Are you just entering the writing field and looking for your muse?

--Are you seeking a way to finance your "creative" writing career until you "make it?"

--Is your career ending and you need to find another profession?

-- Do you have abilities in any technical arena? In other words, are you a repairperson, electrician, or the like?

--Are you a teacher?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you owe it to yourself to consider a career in technical writing.

If you are creative, with an orderly mind, and can write clear, concise instructions, then you can be a technical writer. That's truly all it takes.


--Tools You Need
--Categories of Technical Writing
--Common Misconceptions
--How to Begin
--About Technical Writing Software
--So How Do I Get My First Job?
--Building Up Your Confidence
--Online Tutorials
--Contract VS. Permanent Employment
--Searching for Jobs Online
--How to Place Your Resume Online
--All About Recruiters
--Technical Writing Exercises
--Must-Join Lists

Whether you are writing the great American novel, the news story of the century, or a Human Resources manual, the ability to put words to paper in a clear, coherent manner is a gift and plays a vital role in society. All forms of writing are necessary for the world to function. Without story-telling, imagination is lost. Without journalism, truth is lost. Without technical writing, skills are lost.

are privy to the same joys and aggravation as other writers with one BIG difference?

Most of them get paid LOTS of money consistently to use their writing talent.


PRICE : ONLY US$ 6 / 1 E BOOK !!.... This E book contains 102 page !!



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About the Author:

Susan Bilheimer is a highly successful Technical Writer. Among her accomplishments, she has produced Oracle Financials, RoboHELP, and cross-platform WebHELP documentation. Once a struggling freelance writer, she seized the opportunity to blend creative writing with the structure of technical writing, and turned a VERY part-time writing career into an exceptionally lucrative full-time writing profession!





E book : "The Massage Therapy Career Guide: The Truth About Becoming a Massage Therapist"

Become a SUCCESSFUL Massage Therapist

This topic keywords talk about: become massage therapist, massage, career guide, great jobs

Hello,.. I'm Julie Onofrio ,.. a Licensed Massage Practitioner on Seattle WA,US

If you are thinking of becoming a massage therapist, there are many things you need to know about careers in massage and choosing the massage school that is best for you. Careers in massage are constantly being listed in News Reports as the up and coming career. What they don't tell you is that entry level jobs at the many massage franchises start at $12 an hour. You may as well just become a checker in a grocery store. They will try to get your attention by saying that you can make $60 an hour - well that is only if you start your own business. The average fee that people pay for a massage in the US is $60 an hour. You don't get to make that an hour.

You can be successful in a career in massage and find higher paying jobs as well as start and run your own business when you take the time to research a career more thoroughly and find out what you need to know about becoming a massage therapist. When you are more informed you will be able to flourish in the field of massage.

I have written the after 24 years of having my own massage business and working with many massage therapists in their struggles to build their own business and find higher paying jobs. I wrote it because I want to start helping massage therapists be more informed about the career. I have seen too many people complaining about low paying jobs, trying to get clients and just stay in business. I have seen too many burnout and call it quits after just a few years in the career. I want to share with you my personal lessons I have learned from going through burnout myself.

You can be very successful in a career in massage when you know what a career is really about and how to choose the best massage school to meet your own personal needs for learning and support as you follow your journey.

My Ebook ""The Massage Therapy Career Guide: The Truth About Becoming a Massage Therapist" can help you do just that. When you go into the career understanding just what it is about and accept the challenge your chances of success increase dramatically.

The Massage Therapy Career Guide:
The Truth About
Becoming a Massage Therapist

Includes 2 Free Reports :

13 things to ask before choosing
a Career in Massage

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20 things to know when
you are researching massage schools

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PRICE : US$ 17.95

"Massage Therapy Career Guide :
The Truth About Becoming a Massage Therapist".

The Table of Contents is as follows:

Introduction :

1. Is a Career in Massage Therapy for you?

2. What you need to know about massage careers

- Salaries - What is the average salary range and what you can do to make more.

- The growing field- the demand for massage therapy

- What type of massage to study- there are over 250 different types of massage

- Where you can get a job

- Setting up your own practice

- Licensing and Legislation- What licenses do you need to have and what do you need to know about legislation in your state.

- Touching others- there are many psychological as well as physical effects of touch

- Helping others - it isn't about helping others, it is about taking care of yourself.

3. Choosing a Massage School

Curriculum and hours - is more hours better?
Teachers - what do you need to know about teachers
Making a Decision - use this software to help you decide
Getting the most out of school - it's just massage school

4. Working as a Massage Therapist or Setting up Your Own Practice What opportunities are there in the massage profession.

5. Self care -The Code of the caretaker – why do you help? Uncovering the real reasons why you want to help can take help you create a lasting career and reduce your risks of burnout.

6. Peer Supervision and mentoring - The one tool that massage schools are lacking ,yet to implement but can be done easily.

7. The Qualities of a Wealthy Massage Therapists
- What does it take to make $100,000 a year in the massage profession?

8. The future of the massage profession - Where is it headed? Do you want to be a part of it?

9. It is your decision How to put it all together and weigh your values. Special software to help you decide

10. Resources :

Online Articles
Massage Textbooks
Career tools

I am writing this after 24 years of making a living as a massage therapist in Seattle WA. Through the years I have seen many massage therapists come and go - some that I have even personally recommended going to massage school. When I first started there were very few jobs and doing massage was more about a lifestyle than making a living. As more massage therapists have entered the market, it makes massage therapists take their massage business more seriously and see it as a business - not a part of themselves.

Being a massage therapist can still be a very rewarding and successful career when you go into it being fully prepared and informed. You can do so when you purchase the "Massage Therapy Career Guide - The Truth about becoming a massage therapist" now in it's 4th edition since 2002. I constantly am updating the information based on feedback from my readers.


What others are saying:

"Your book pulls no punches and really makes you think about what it REALLY
means to be a massage therapist. I love the fact that you tell us what most
people never do, like don't think everyone has smooth soft skin and are not
hairy. I LOVE really did make me think about what I was heading
into. I'm actually enrolled in massage school and will start in two weeks. "

Sue, NJ

"I owe my decision to become a massage therapist to you. Your online book"...Cheryl

"I have been in practice since 2003 and I work alone. I have had many challenges.
Your Ebook helped me in so many ways"... Fris

"I'm pleased to see that you are giving such an honest and truthful opinion
about how a career in massage can really be. I am constantly on the internet
searching for info on massage. I've had an interest in becoming a massage
therapist for a few years. In the meantime, I've gotten a diploma in business and
I'm trying to now make the decision to begin the process of becoming a massage
therapist or to venture into university. I'm very confused about the decision, so its
always great to read things that are not swaying me one way or the other"... Christina

"I just wanted to thank you for this website! The work you put into it is really
valuable and very informative. I am preparing to study at Chicago School of
Massage and you really put everything into perspective, without all the hype
the schools feed us"....Michael


So if you are ready to pursue an exiting career in massage start out right with the Massage Therapy Career Guide that tells you The Truth About Becoming a Massage Therapist.

PRICE : US$ 17.95 / 1 E BOOK

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To Your Success!

Julie Onofrio
Licensed Massage Practitioner
Seattle WA

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